
Resumen de FC Barcelona vs Real Betis (5-0)

Goleada del FC Barcelona frente al Real Betis en casa con el estreno goleador de Joao Félix y Joao Cancelo y los tantos de Lewandowski, Ferran Torres y Raphinha #BarçaRealBetis J5 LALIGA EA Sports 2023/2024

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34 respuestas a «Resumen de FC Barcelona vs Real Betis (5-0)»

"Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna. Porque no envió Dios a su Hijo al mundo para condenar al mundo, sino para que el mundo sea salvo por él."

Dile a Jesús en voz alta: Jesús, confieso que soy pecador. Yo creo que tú eres el hijo de Dios y que tú derramaste tu preciosa sangre en la cruz por mí. Perdona mis pecados. Limpia mi corazón de toda iniquidad. Te doy gracias por salvarme ahora. Amén.

Lee la Biblia y ora a diario. Congrégate cada semana en una iglesia que predique la Palabra de Dios.
Cristo viene pronto!i8

Defensa pésima del Betis,todo el trabajo era para el portero,que obviamente estaba solo ante el peligro. No me parece que el Betis estaba al nivel ,parecen niños pequeños desorientados y con miedo a que le den el balón en la cara.

A Global Human Rights Violation

The illegal detention by the CCP not only happened to Chinese people, but also citizens from other countries. Right after Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou was released, two Canadians illegally held by the CCP were released. Right now, there are still 115 Canadians detained in China, including Falun Gong practitioner Sun Qian.

The fact that the CCP could kidnap people from a foreign country is “quite chilling,” commented Matas. Moreover, since the CCP has engaged in hostage diplomacy, it could happen again.

Cold Genocide

Over the years, Matas has many publications on organ harvesting based on his investigation. “It is basically in a concept called genocide, it’s not something we invented. It exists in genocide literature. We just applied it to the Falun Gong situation,” he said.

More specifically, “it is a genocide which doesn't happen briefly, quickly, visibly, but it happens slowly. And it's not all that visible. And the numbers accumulate over time rather than occur all at once,” he explained.

The tragedy was able to happen partly due to the market. As the Chinese health system shifted to capitalism from socialism, the funding in the health system from the government dramatically decreased. “The medical institutions needed an extra source of funding to keep the doors open. They had been institutionally used to sourcing organs from prisoners for transplants, because they were using death penalty prisoners. But the death penalty was decreasing,” Matas explained. “They [then] had the Falun Gong population that was… was indefinite, that was demonized. And the system of sourcing organs from prisoners was already institutionalized. So they just kind of switch to another form.”

The CCP had killed prisoners of conscience before it did so with Falun Gong practitioners, although the numbers were much smaller. The Uygurs are one example, Matas said. Over time, the organ harvesting numbers went up to 60,000 or 100,000 a year. Eventually, it mounted to a high number. “When you're dealing with 50,000 to 100,000 organs a year, now that's not persons, that's organs,” he continued. In fact, it is both genocide of life and genocide of intent. He said both types of genocide were there because “they [the CCP] obviously wanted to get rid of Falun Gong.”

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